A review by caitlinxmartin
Talking to the Dead by Harry Bingham

I wasn't sure what to expect from Talking to the Dead, but I was blown away. D.C. Fiona Griffiths will be compared to Carol O'Connell's Mallory, but she's her own person with her own set of issues and weaknesses and many strengths. It's obvious from the beginning that something is off with her, but Mr. Bingham doesn't slam you over the head with her difference and this makes the mystery more compelling - the mystery of her and the mystery she's working to solve.

Fiona is a Cambridge graduate with a brilliant analytical mind. She finds her initial work on the police force stultifying - how interesting can forensic accounting really be when you aren't a forensic accountant? When a child and her mother are found dead in a squat, Fiona is captivated and begins to insert herself into the investigation finding unexpected links and causing lots and lots of mayhem.

Fiona isn't one note. Her character is well-developed and seeing the events of the book through her eyes is pretty amazing. Her intellect and attention to detail and essential vulnerability make you want to cheer her on and to protect her from herself and the rest of the world. With the beginnings of some great secondary characters, Mr. Bingham's got himself a great series going if he wants to continue the story. If he doesn't the work stands on its own. Much enjoyment to be had in reading this one!