A review by jennifermreads
Ms. Marvel, Vol. 10: Time and Again by G. Willow Wilson


This collected volume, the final with G. Willow Wilson at the helm, started with a bang – and a sigh of relief from me as I felt like it was going back to all that I loved about it initially. It was nice seeing the return to the chaos of trying to mix her “real” life with her superhero one. Plus, it was fantastic seeing all her friends make appearances. I even liked the glimpse of Bruno trying to figure out the “why.” Although, frankly, the “why” he defined made zero sense and completely confused me – but whatever. It is superhero comics. Just suspend belief and realism, right? Side note: I loved the blue-floaty-creature in issue #35. More of it please!

My rating for this final collected volume would have been four, or maybe even five stars. But then issues 36-38 happened. What started with a bang, ended with a whimper. Sometimes, an editor needs to say “stop.” And Sana Amanat should have done so after issue #35. While the stories in the final issue were sweet and okay, they seemed 100% extraneous.

I thank G. Willow Wilson for taking the reins and creating a superhero that so many young girls look at and say “Hey! She looks like me!” Our world is a melting pot of diversity, uniqueness, and amazing culture. It is refreshing to see these things reflected in the books I pick-up off shelves. Ms. Marvel is a gem of a character. I’m excited to see where Saladin Ahmed takes the thread of her story. And I cannot freaking wait to see the movie!