A review by linsaysread
The Little Bakery of Hopes and Dreams by Kellie Hailes


I loved The Little Bakery of Hopes and Dreams and it was perfect for getting into the Christmas spirit.

The basic plot is girl moves to a small town, gets job at a bakery (which is run by a good looking guy), has feelings for said guy, their stories come to light, they learn about themselves, and then The End. Nothing in the plot was overly surprising, but the charm of the small town and the main characters draw you in, while Mia (Callan's daughter) helps to keep you hooked. There was enough backstory about the characters that i did truly feel for them and it did make me want to succeed. The biggest criticism is that the plot does feel like a romance novel recipe, but that isn't always a bad thing.

So while the book read like a typical Hallmark movie, it was still fun to get through and I did enjoy reading it.

Ebook provides by and reviewed for NetGalley