A review by scarlettletters
The Way Inn by Will Wiles


The description for this says it's [b:Up in the Air|30680|Up in the Air|Walter Kirn|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1388972789s/30680.jpg|1363960] meets Inception; I would add to that late-era [a:David Foster Wallace|4339|David Foster Wallace|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1381115424p2/4339.jpg] and a pinch of [a:Franz Kafka|5223|Franz Kafka|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1412460277p2/5223.jpg]. It took me longer than usual to read it, but not because it wasn't good. Really I think it's because it wasn't really divided into chapters... I feel like chapter breaks help me read faster.

Anyway, if you like a sort of banal setting with something more sinister beneath the surface, that's what this is. I'm also definitely interested in reading other things Wiles has written.