A review by octavia_cade
Star Trek: The Wrath Of Khan by Vonda N. McIntyre


Far and away the best of the Star Trek movies, the novelisation of The Wrath of Khan is also one of the better of the Star Trek books. The movie remains the better story, I think, and most of that is down to performance. McIntyre's version of the last scene with Spock, and with the funeral, is affecting, but not to the extent of the film, and there's some disadvantage to individual characters from the change in medium. Take Kahn, for instance. His book portrayal is a little thin - almost cartoon evil, with no redeeming feature or complexity. Technically he's not that much different in the movie, but the sheer charisma of the actor makes up for that in a way that doesn't translate to the page. On the other hand, I really enjoyed what the author did with Saavik, and the bits of backstory were genuinely fascinating - she's a character I want to read more of now. All in all, though, this is an excellent adaptation.