A review by nilu_reads
Magic Stars by Ilona Andrews


As usual, Ilona Andrews doesn't disappoint!

Coming into this book, I had no expectations. In fact, I hadn't had a chance to read the blurb about the book too, so I was going in blind and damn, the book just blew me away.

If you love the KD universe, READ THIS BOOK! There are atleast 2-3 events that has taken place in this book, that is definitely setting up for the coming books in the KD series.

Why you would love this book;
1. It's written from Derek's POV, making him the star of the book.
2. Julie is in it, kicking ass and taking names.. well if she cld be bothered taking names.
3. The insight we get into Derek's thought process and struggle.
4. We see how far Julie' come.
5. Great build up to the end.
6. Unexpected things happen!!

The end definitely blew my mind. Like whoa! What's that all about? Some serious foreshadowing is happening!