A review by booksnarks
Batman, Volume 8: Superheavy by Scott Snyder


I almost don't even want to start this review. Yes, I found the book that bad.

I was initially going to rate this two stars but then I thought, no! I got too angry at the story, too angry at Snyder for writing this and I needed to vent. This was not a two stars 'meh' kind of book. It was a one star. I stand by my rating!

Forget about killing Batman, yet again. Sure, kill him. We all know he's coming back because he always had. Because as much fun as it is to sometimes have Dick or Damien in the costume, Batman is and always will be Bruce Wayne.

It's not that I'm opposed to change. It's that I'm opposed to bad change. And that's exactly what one gets when you have Jim Gordon, a middle aged man with no tech skills or hardcore martial arts skills be Batman.

"Why is Gordon the new Batman?" I scream to high heavens.

The funny thing is that the book actually tried really hard to justify itself. It's comical really, because you can tell that the only reason they're explain it is to try to make you understand the reasoning, as if they know that it's a bad idea but they try to justify it anyway. They have Gordon basically being the reader and saying 'I don't know about this,' but then you have a bunch of other characters being 'Nope, this is an amazing idea, trust us.' Nope, still don't see it.

Not to mention, the design of that new mechanical Batman suit looks like a bunny. They even said it in the comics! But then tried to justify it by saying 'it grows on you.' Ugh, see my problem? It's like they know this is crap but they except the reader to gullible when reading this. And what a weak villain!

Not to mention Bruce Wayne! He's not dead, but then he had amnesia, but then he didn't, but then he didn't want that life anymore so he left to be with his childhood sweetheart while working in a rec centre. I mean, why not? This was actually not the worse thing about this volume so sure, I can accept that.

I still think Snyder made some great contributions to the Batman canon, but unfortunately, this is not one of them. I hope when Bruce comes back as Batman things will pick up again, especially since the Snyder run of Batman is coming to an end.