A review by vidhi26p
Ruined by Amy Tintera


“I don’t think this is who I want to be.”

2.5 stars

A classic YA fantasy novel, filled with blood & vengeance, I almost want to categorize it as a trashy beach read for how cookie cutter it felt. I’ve got a load of grievances with this one, unfortunately. Amy Tintera, you really should have just stuck to science fiction.

Let’s start with how absolutely flat this novel is. Over the course of two pages, Tintera turns characters who regarded the other as weird & quite & ugly & boring to “that smile held secrets he desperately wanted to know.” Excuse me?!

That’s not character development. That’s not even…a character ffs. It hurt to read how low effort it really was.

Next, oh man, the main character had legit one personality trait being she would lengthily describe how to kill people immediately as she walks in the room. Oh it got boring after the 45th or so time this was reiterated.

The one that hurt the most — yikes and a half, each and every main character was plain STUPID. Where did all their brain cells go?! Smell too many sharpies??

Who doesn’t question when a princess bride rocks up to her wedding with half a guardsman and a trunk of clothes which don’t fit her? It’s upsetting to believe Em really had gotten away with infiltrating a wedding & life.

And the worst of all, not one part of this novel was truly believable. I didn’t believe in the characters’ emotions, let alone feel them myself. I was scoffing and eye rolling my way through half of this book — it’s only saving grace was that the last third was somewhat entertaining. All in all, my god stay away from this garbage.