A review by mellabella
Broken Lands, Volume 1 by Jonathan Maberry


*Deep breath*
This book was awesome! I have read maybe one of the Rot and Ruin books and one of the Joe Ledger series.
When I picked this up, I didn't realize it was somewhat of a continuation.
Memorable characters, action, a strong teenage Latina (who is also bi) protagonist, and a plot that somehow ties in with current events. I couldn't put it down.
When Gutsy's mom mentions "Rat Catchers" in a sickness induced haze (from tuberculosis) before she dies... Gutsy thinks it's just that. Delirious talk. But then her mom comes back to their house after Gutsy buries her. Twice. As the story enfolds, Gutsy leans that the people that live in the place she has considered home and, even the place she considers home may not be what they always seem.
Add characters from the other two series and you have a fast paced read. I can't wait for the next one.
4.5 stars