A review by christina_likes_to_read
Twilight / Life and Death by Stephenie Meyer


"Life and Death: Twilight Reimagined" tells the story of "Twilight" except Meyer switched everyone's gender. So now Bella is Beau, Edward is Edythe, etc. Meyer said that she wanted to write the story this way to debunk all of the sexism accusations that her story received. Unfortunately, for me at least, I felt like it highlighted the differences more than removed them.

I found this book very hard to get into in the beginning. Meyer used almost all of the same dialogue in the beginning and it did not play out well from a boy's perspective. I kept thinking, "Beau sounds like a girl." Which didn't dispel any of the gender stereotypes Meyer was trying to overcome. I finally started to see Beau as a real character but it took well over halfway through the book to get to that point. I really didn't think that they story worked well. The one thing that saved the book for me and the only part that I really loved was
Spoiler the ending. I loved that Meyer changed the ending and let us see what things might have been like had Edward not been able suck the venom out of Bella.
That is what raised my rating from a 2 to a 3. Overall, I wouldn't recommend this book to most people. Even if you loved Twilight, you might hate this book--as many other reviewers appear to. However, if you loved Twilight and are just curious and up for a weird/unique book you *might* want to give this a try.