A review by myreadsjournal
The Broken Hearts Club by Susan Bishop Crispell


This was such adorable and sweet read! 🥰

Imogen (Mo) is a 17 y.o who loves love and all the beautiful things love brings. Not only she loves love, Imogen has a very special talent: she's able to see love. Well, more specifically, she's able to see people's auras and its beautiful colours which tell her whether the person is in love or is going through a heartbreak.

Even though Mo herself has never been in love, love is something she really wants to experience herself.

But to the outside world, she is very much in love and in a very happy relationship with her boyfriend, August, who she's been dating for the past year. The thing is... she's very much in a fake relationship with August. Oh, he exists. August Tate is a boy whom Mo met 2 years ago, who lives far away and whose path would never cross with Mo's. So, of course, he's the perfect candidate for a fake relationship.

The thing is, Mo has this huge crush on Ren since forever, and when she learns he's been dumped, she decides to break things off with August as well. Ren is her one and only chance to find love.

What Mo doesn't expect is August, a very much real-life version August, showing up in her town, at her workplace, asking why did she break up with him. Wait, what?? He knew? He knows??

This book is all about love and it was such cute and light read. Despite what Mo did, I feel she's quite mature for a 17 y.o, and the side characters played such important role in this book and in Mo's journey (I love her best friend so much!). Also, the adult characters were so comforting ❤️

The Broken Hearts Club is a perfect Sunday afternoon read. The pace is great, the characters' development is amazing and the story is adorable.

Thank you so much NetGalley and Susan Bishop Crispell for the ARC of this book! 🩵