A review by delaynakh
Margo's Got Money Troubles by Rufi Thorpe

funny inspiring reflective medium-paced


Book Dynamics✨
First and Third person narration (trust the process)
Laugh out loud funny
Coming of age

This is basically if you take Adelaide and mix it with an Emily Austin novel and add OnlyFans and then sprinkle on some wrestling lore. 

So so so good. Laugh out loud funny while tackling tough topics like abuse of power, women deciding what they do with their own bodies and how that is viewed, (single) mothers being expected to do it all, the system making everything so damn difficult. Chefs kiss all around. 

Stick with it with the first and third person narration switches, it lends to the story and comes together so perfectly. 

Overall: a fave of the year, I’m calling it now

Favorite Character: Margot