A review by rereader33
The Au Pair by Emma Rous


This book was awful. And as much as it enrages me, I also have no energy to write a proper review. Or, more accurately, I don't care enough to write one. So let me sum up my thoughts in three points so I can move on with my life, okay? Okay, great, let's get this shit over with:

-Want a summation of this story? Rich, privileged white people and their rich, white privileged people problems. There, I just saved you from reading this novel, YOU ARE FUCKING WELCOME.

-Laura's the only middle class person with ample screen time and yet she's horribly unrelatable because she was actively fawning over one guy for most of the novel, yet had sex with her male employer. Who's married. But still only REALLY loved the one guy. Obviously.

-Any intrigue is immediately vaporized by the horrible predictability of the story and the ending is so tacky and unearned it left me enraged.

-I hope you weren't stupid enough (like me) to believe that the fairy intrigue was actually going to be relevant because SURPRISE! IT FUCKING WASN'T! It was literally thrown in to add supernatural suspense but ultimately had fuck all to do with the actual plot. Authors, please, I am BEGGING you, if you are NOT going to seriously incorporate supernatural elements into your thriller, then do us all a favor and FUCKING DON'T.

-All of the characters were either boring, whiny, or judgmental, and ALL of them had the outstanding ability to blame everyone else for their problems. I really hope I wasn't meant to sympathize or care about any of them because I fucking couldn't.

And that's about it. Skip on this one unless you REALLY want to read several hundred pages of rich, privileged white people complain about how difficult there lives are while actively fucking up said lives.