A review by blackngoldgirlsbookspot
Duplicity by Jane Haseldine


Sometimes a girl just needs to switch it up! I've been on a historical romance tear for the past few weeks, so when approached with the chance to read a suspense by Jane Haseldine, I totally jumped on board. I hadn't read the first book in the series, but I found myself completely engrossed in the story from the very first action-packed (wink wink) scene. Even though she wasn't specifically mentioned in the first few scenes, I just knew that somehow the illicit meeting, the money, and sheer brutality were going to have a huge impact on Julia Gooden and immediately had to read more! It's not often I can say I connected with a character so quickly -- especially in a suspense novel. Haseldine has gained a fan in this reader. I can't wait to read what's next for Julia Gooden. Fingers crossed that things go well for her in her new start! Jane Haseldine writes a mystery that is full of suspense, danger, and intrigue sure to please readers of many genres!

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