A review by bookph1le
The Bookshop on the Corner by Jenny Colgan


I adored this book to tiny little pieces whenever it delved into Nina's bookish ways. Since I'm a bookworm myself, I find books irresistible when they feature characters who are loving books and/or helping others to love books. These parts of the book were magical.

I did like the descriptions of the countryside as well, and though I highly, highly doubt country life is me, Colgan almost had me convinced that it was.

Everything else was kind of... rough, I guess? Nina was okay, but she grated on my nerves sometimes, especially when she was being willfully obstinate about her love affairs for plot purposes. I didn't like the romance elements because I never felt the spark. Marek was obviously Nina projecting all kinds of moony, romantic nonsense on her relationship, and Lennox was your cliched strong, silent type. I had a hard time believing that someone as passionate about books as Nina is could be all that attracted to someone who eyes books with disdain, at best.

Because I half liked, half didn't much care about this book, it was a very uneven reading experience for me. I doubt I'll seek out anything else by the author, which is a shame, because she really has the knack when she's writing an homage to books and the people who love them.