A review by dcong16
The Maid by Nita Prose

sad slow-paced


The concept was so interesting but for a mystery I saw major components of the ending coming a mile away. Maybe not the twist in the epilogue but then that pissed me off because it came so out of left field and felt like it had no precedent in the rest of the story. Seems kind of counterintuitive to say some things were too obvious and others were obvious enough but the way things all work out has to have some clues somewhere and I guess there were a few TEENY TINY crumbs that might lead to the final reveal but it just wasn’t enough to be believable especially when everything else was so obvious. Also yes I knew this was a murder mystery but I wish I would have had a trigger warning for some of the death/dying elements related to her grandmother which I was not at all adequately prepared for.

Only thing giving it one star and not zero is the characters, but then the ending even sort of ruined Molly for me? Like it didn’t fit with how she’d behaved / acted the whole rest of the book???? The others were annoyingly surface level when they had potential to be so interesting, but I think that was part of getting to know them from Molly’s perspective, so I was willing to overlook it. On that note, I’m curious how this depiction of Molly’s experience was in terms of accuracy / sensitivity. 

While we never get an actual name for it, I think the author’s intentions are fairly clear in depicting a character on the Autism spectrum. I have mixed feelings about that. Why make the reader read between the lines about that? Why not just say it? Why have there be no diagnosis? I don’t have the personal experience to judge whether this was or was not a faithful depiction of ASD, but the fact that it’s so heavily alluded to despite never being named strikes me as a little… shady I guess?? Like the author wanted to write the character that way but didn’t want the potential to be called out. I genuinely can’t see any reason why naming it would make a difference to the story, since Molly states, herself, on many occasions, that she knows she’s different and experiences the world differently and therefor has trouble understanding social situations that are easy for others. Having a name and a diagnosis for that difference wouldn’t really make a difference to the plot. I don’t know maybe I’m just conspiracy theorizing at this point. Regardless, I’d love to know what people with ASD or more personal experience with it than me think of Molly’s characterization. I hope it’s a faithful depiction because I think people deserve that, I’m just not very trusting when it comes to these things.

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