A review by _bookdrag0n
Fever by Lauren DeStefano


This was quite possibly worse than the first book. There are so many holes in the story that just don't make sense, and like a typical second book in a trilogy, it just contained filler nonsense that was completely irrelevant to the story itself. You could probably skip this book altogether and go straight to the third book and not miss a beat. a little over 3/4 of this book was just worthless filler dragging though the mud. Nothing important happened until the last 50 pages or so of the book.

From here on in there may be spoilers, so beware, and I apologize for my thoughts being so scattered. I lost a few brain cells with this one.

Gabriel. This boy has no personality whatsoever and I don't understand how Rhine, or anyone for that matter, could be attracted to him. all we know is he has blue eyes and his build is slightly bigger than Linden. Gabriel and Rhine have absolutely ZERO chemistry. If you're going to give us a romantic relationship or a botched love triangle, at least make the characters interesting
Rhine spends the entire book either sick or drugged. how can anyone call her a "strong and interesting" female lead? she's bland and all she does is whine about everything. The only interesting thing about her are her eyes, and even that is overplayed. she has heterochromia. It's not anything special or fantastic, it is essentially a genetic disorder and in no way WHATSOEVER be a key to curing a disease, which is what they are hinting at.

So this whole time, Rhine never knew she had a tracker in her leg? and with her having the tracker, why on earth did it take so long for Vaughn to find her?
and I don't know why this bothers me so much, but when Vaughn shows up, Rhine thinks "that limousine looked so familiar"
it's a damn LIMO. they all look the same. how is she going to recognize that one car as being his. it's just stupid

When Vaughn tells her that the reason she is sick is because she's having withdrawls from the mysterious drug-candies, I literally wanted to slam my head against my desk repeatedly. IT'S BEEN MONTHS SINCE SHE'S HAD ONE OF THOSE CANDIES. WHY IS SHE JUST NOW GETTING SICK FROM NOT HAVING THEM IN HER SYSTEM?!?!
So now in the end she's back where she started at. so what was the point of the whole book? a game of hide and seek?

and of course Selfish little Cecily knew that Vaughn had Rhine trapped in the basement experimenting on her, and doesn't tell Linden. then all of a sudden she wants to act all concerned wanting to get her to the hospital after she cuts herself open to get the tracker out.

and if they say that Linden loves her ONE MORE TIME. good god he still doesn't even know her, and he willingly sleeps with Cecily. yeah no he doesn't love her. that's just warped

she spends the entire book under the pretense of finding her brother.... she only makes an effort to look for him once. and then she doesn't even find him until the last two sentences of the book, and even then it's only on a tv screen. WTF

how anyone can say this storyline is exciting/intense is beyond me.

only reading the next book to see how this train wreck ends up