A review by elylibrarysec
Hot Rock by Annie Seaton


Rating: 4 1/2 stars

I received a copy of this book for review from Entangled Publishing and the author. I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

Megan Miller is getting ready to experience the British music scene. If you have never heard the music from the seventies, this would be a great time to expand your horizons. This book is a great one to listen to some music as you read and who better than some UK artists from the time period shown in this tale. Since I grew up in that era, quite a few come to mind but I’ll let you make your own choices.

David “Davy” Morgan is a musician with a secret. He also makes quite the impression on Megan. The setting is a quaint village. If you love to travel and have any interest in going to visit England what a great book to take along with you. Local legends are also mentioned and that is just more incentive to take a trip. I found I was more interested in our couple’s experiences than the romance end of it. The romance is just the icing on the cake.

The author does a great job of making the reader feel as if they’ve also gone back in time. As if you are at the concert experiencing all the great stuff going on. It must have taken a lot of research time in order to be so accurate. If you’re a foodie, you may want to even experience some of the food from that part of the world.

Do you like reading books that you can get done in just a couple of hours? Then this is a perfect book for you – especially if you love time travel or paranormal mixed with some romance. Annie is an author that you will enjoy over and over again. If you’ve never read her work before than this is the perfect book to start with.