A review by scearceka
Seed of Evil: An Ancient Evil Rises by Robert Friedrich


Disclaimer: I received an e-copy in exchange for an honest review.

There's a military base on Mars, and Earth has lost all contact with it. A rag-tag squad of hooligan Marines has been tasked with figuring out what happened, and they figure it's going to be just another in-and-out before they can get back to what they do best. However, this is going to be anything but an ordinary mission...

This story reminded me of bits and parts of several other sci-fi interests of mine, such as "Prometheus" and "Event Horizon," just to name a couple. It's certainly a very intriguing one, and it definitely doesn't lack for mystery and action. I don't want to say too much for risk of giving away any of the plot, but suffice it to say I would be greatly interested in reading more along this storyline, as I found it truly fascinating, especially within the last 30 pages or so.

4 stars