A review by arae_ofsunshine
The Bromance Book Club by Lyssa Kay Adams


A group of men who realized they were fucking up their relationships and turned to ROMANCE NOVELS, because they’re written by women for women, to help them become better men and lovers to their partners??? Yes. Sign me up.

I loved this book! I loved everything about it.

It was sweet, honest, emotional, and redeeming. It wasn't your typical romance novel, it doesn't follow the formulas most do and I loved that. At first I didn't root for Gavin, and I was on Tam Thea, but the further I got the more I wanted them to fix their marriage.

I did not like Thea's sister, I could not stand how she talked to Thea. She would belittle and talk to The like she was stupid and it pissed me 0ff so much. Her book is next and I know I am going to have a hard time starting it because of the things she said in this book, but the hero is interesting and I know she's going to get a redemption that makes me love her...eventually.