A review by katreader
Sprinkles of Suspicion by Kim Davis


The First Cupcake Catering Mystery

Emory Gosser Martinez is a little shocked at the risque outfit her best friend,Tori, gave her, but since it was an early birthday gift she agreed to wear it out for drinks. That was not a good decision. Emory awakes with a massive hangover and no memory of the night before. The nightmare begins as she begins to learn what happened. A cheating husband, incriminating photos, and learning her friend was anything but, is just the beginning. A witnessed brawl and threats all around mean that Emory becomes the prime suspect after she literally stumbles over Tori's murdered body. Certain that the police won't bother searching for another suspect, she decides to see what she can uncover herself. But will she uncover more that she wants to know?

There's not enough buttercream in California to fix the mess Emory's life has become. Just when you think things can't get worse for her...they do! While well written, I found that I didn't like any of the characters...until the very end. Emory is so naive and trusting, as well as klutzy, she comes across as stupid. I'm sure the author intends to have her learn and grow as the series continues, but I think she may have set the starting bar too low! The majority of the other characters are unlikable, especially Emory's mother and sister. As for her husband... a cheating cop with anger issues. Near the end, as Emory finds respite, I finally find a character I love. Tillie steals the show, bringing humor and fun to the book. Hopefully, she's be able to teach Emory a thing or two.

SPRINKLES OF SUSPICION combines worst case scenarios and cupcakes in a complex mystery. Recipes are included and I look forward to reading more of Emory's cocktail cupcake creations. Now, where's my gimlet?

FTC Disclosure – The publisher sent me a digital ARC provided through NetGalley, in the hopes I would review it.