A review by audiobookingwithleah
The Earth Dwellers by David Estes



♪♫My Pick For Book Theme Song♫♪

Another One Bites The Dust by Queen --Another series finished, I'm seriously on a roll with finishing series lately…so this song is for all of the series that I've conquered lately…also…because David Estes is not afraid to kill off key people and he literally slayed me with some throughout the series, especially one in particular from this very book…♫

Series: Book #7 of the combined Dwellers and Country Sagas
Genre: YA, Dystopian
Source: Own Kindle eBook

⇝My Thoughts⇜

Can you imagine people living underground? Like way underground…so far down, it takes a half hour to get to the surface.

Imagine a fake sun, a fake horizon, a fake moon, even fake stars…and then imagine never knowing anything different.

It's crazy to think about…the premise of this series is an intricately woven one. 7 books in total 3 from Dwellers saga, and 3 from the Country saga, all culminating in one final book…Earth Dwellers. All the players (at least the ones he hasn't killed off) are here, but the book pov switches between only 4 of the main characters from other books: Sienna, Dazz, Adele and Tristan…even Perry makes an appearance. Overall, a gripping, yet sweetly pleasing end to this total series. There's so much more he (David Estes) could do with this world, though. Oh…the possibilities…

⇝Ratings Breakdown⇜

Plot: 4.5/5
Characters: 5/5
The Feels: 4.5/5
Addictiveness: 4/5
Theme: 5/5
Flow: 5/5
Backdrop (World Building): 5/5
Originality: 5/5
Book Cover: 4/5
Ending: 4.8/5 Cliffhanger: Nope

Will I read more from David Estes? Why yes, I would…