A review by audreychamaine
The Turning: What Curiosity Kills by Helen Ellis


Mary lives in Manhattan with her sister Octavia, and their adoptive parents. After having been in bad home situations earlier in life, Mary and Octavia are relishing their normal, if privileged lives. However, Mary is experiencing changes to her body, and they aren't due to puberty. She falls asleep at odd times, craves milk, and is terrified at the thought of taking a bath. Mary needs to figure out what is happening to her, and it looks like the only person who can help is her crush, Nick.

I immediately found What Curiosity Kills intriguing. I'm a cat person myself, and like to imaging what life would be like as a cat. I also thought it had a Metamorphosis aspect to the story. However, I liked it a little less after the first "turning". At that point it became much more of a standard were story. I really liked Octavia's character, and would like to see more of her in the upcoming books. There was also a bizarre, but strangely compelling, bit that takes place at one of the NYPL branches that I hope gets explored more thoroughly in the future.