A review by ncrabb
Focus on the Good Stuff: The Power of Appreciation by Mike Robbins


It seems sad to me that we live in a world where books like this sell as well as they do. I say that not because the book is bad--it isn't. It's just unfortunate that our world is structured such that we either need information here as a refresher or we need the information because of a personal vacuum of some kind or other.

The book's focus is learning to better appreciate those around us and learning to better value ourselves. I enjoyed this, and the chapters on self appreciation were particularly helpful to someone who is a grand master at verbal self beatings. The section on gratitude is a classic case of stating the obvious, so you might think, but the author points out how infrequently gratitude is a part of our interactions with others. He's right. I've experienced interactions where my expressions of gratitude actually confused and unbalanced the recipient, so rarely did such expressions come his or her way.

If you're afraid to read a book like this because of the overabundance of cheerleading and affirmation chanting, put the fear aside and give this a go.