A review by kenlaan
Charon's Claw by R.A. Salvatore


I'm really struggling with my goal to get caught up on this series.

Salvatore's just never been good at writing compelling villains*, and it seems like as the series has gone on he's devoted more of the book to their perspectives, which unfortunately compounds the problem rather than adding any nuance to them.

In what should be a pretty fun story featuring Drizzt, Dahlia (I have issues with Dahlia but whatever), and
(I consider this a spoiler though it's right there in the book's description) on their quest into Gauntlgrym to destroy an evil sentient sword, we keep getting diverted with chapters following Herzo Alegni, one of those aforementioned villains I just did not care about, as well as Effron, whose origin was so obvious I don't know why Salvatore didn't just reveal it initially, instead of saving it for the dramatic conclusion. There's also some mage guy named Draygo Quick. Shrug. I'll read the last of this 4-part series and decide if I'm continuing on to the next after.

* He is good at writing compelling anti-heroes (Entreri, Jarlaxle, etc.). Not the same thing as a villain.