A review by keepingyouonread
Don't Make Me Turn this Life Around by Camille Pagán, Camille Pagán


Libby is declared cancer-free but worries she’s not happier about the news. She decides to book her family a spontaneous trip to Puerto Rico but the trip is hit by numerous snags and Libby wonders if the forced family fun was really a good idea.

What I liked: The blurb on the back of the book, combined with the cover had me thinking this was more of a romance, it’s not. It’s very good but it’s more women’s fiction. I connected to Libby’s feelings dealing with an illness especially the first chapter and the dread she felt before an appointment. I liked that all of the characters’ problems were things normal people could go through - death, illness, marital problems.

The scenes in Puerto Rico connected with me – my husband and I traveled there a few years ago and just like in the book, we went to a bio bay and a tropical storm brushed the island.

The characters all had growth over the course of the novel but the growth felt realistic – no one had a complete 180 in their behavior.

What didn’t work for me: The pacing at the end felt a little slow to me.

Fans of close-ended stories, may not like that a few storylines are not completely tied up. I found the ending satisfying but left room for a sequel.

Who should read it: Fans of women’s fiction and those looking for a deeper beach read.