A review by annebrooke
The Cornish Cream Tea Bus by Cressida McLaughlin


I was looking for some happy reading matter and this book popped up so I decided to give it a go. I really wish I hadn't. Sadly, our heroine Charlie is very irritating and seems to have some kind of saviour complex as she arrives in a Cornish village with plans to make it a much jollier place. Sorry, Charlie, but it was actually quite nice and peaceful before you arrived! Charlie is also very argumentative and rude - at one point she barges into the unfortunate Daniel's very nice hotel without permission, interrupts everyone having breakfast there and all but makes them have a tour on her bus. If I was Daniel, I would definitely have called security at this point. The plot is basically pointless crisis followed by success, then another pointless crisis followed by another success. I was desperately skipping from about halfway through to get to the (obvious) ending and I don't think I missed much.

I don't think I'll be taking this bus again!