A review by whendevreads
Blind Side by Kandi Steiner


Actual rating is 3.5 stars.

I really enjoyed this one! I heard about it through Karla Sorenson’s newsletter and I had never heard of this book or the author, but the blurb really pulled me in.

I am a sucker for fake dating romances, so this was right up my alley. And it adds in the spice of it being a sports romance as well, which I really liked! I thought the chemistry between the two main characters was done really well, and was super realistic. I appreciated the touch of the FMC reading spicy novels & having the MC read them so he knew what she liked… setting the bar a little bit higher for men everywhere.

Also, can I just say, THANK YOU to Kandi Steiner for not including a pregnancy epilogue! I really have come to despise them because they’re in almost every book I read nowadays and it was so nice to not have that in this one.