A review by katie_pbd
The Devine Doughnut Shop by Carolyn Brown


Oh my goodness, this was a wild ride. Not in a good way. Firstly, there are too many "main" characters. There are 3 sisters, all of which get equal perspective time in the writing. There are major plotlines with every character (sister 1 has a cheating fiance who sister 2 catches, sister 2 has an affair with a man she doesn't know is married, sister 3's daughter gets into a knife fight at school, sister 3 is approached by a businessman about selling the family business, etc) and everything moves way too quickly and without enough detail. I couldn't finish the book. I got more than halfway through and had to put it down because of the ridiculous whiplash I got from the plot. Each of these characters could've had their own book. Basically unreadable. I laughed through a lot of it because it was so unrealistic.

Ex. Sister/cousin? 1 learns of her fiance's cheating from her sisters. And also that he's trying to con her out of her large family inheritance to go live on an island with another woman and his kids. She cries about it for a bit then decides she's over him and fights him while the fiance and his girlfriend are packing the car for their island getaway.

I skipped to the last chapter just in case I misjudged. But all the female protagonists are with a man by the end of the book. 2 of them were characters who hadn't even shown up yet 3/4 of the way through the book. What???

Please don't read this unless you want a bewildering laugh.