A review by mariasmusings
Mum & Dad by Joanna Trollope


This is the first time that I've read a novel by the well-known author Joanna Trollope, and having read so many positive reviews of her previous works, I was eager to commence reading, ‘Mum & Dad’. This novel is set in set in Spain at the vineyard purchased by Gus and Monica over 25 years ago. Now, Gus has suffered a severe heart attack and the couple are relying on their 3 adult children to step in and help out at the vineyard. With all three, residing in the UK and busy with their own lives, the realisation with they are now expected to help out at the vineyard, comes as a shock and the cracks within the family are soon deepened as their secrets come out.
I loved this storyline and raced through the book in one evening as I was eager to uncover the next development in their relationships. At times, I found myself becoming somewhat frustrated with Monica as she seemed to subvert her own feelings and wishes in order to appease Gus. I came to understand this her attitude was representative of many of her generation and it’s down to the skill of Trollope’s own characterisation that I could so quickly come to understand and sympathise with Monica
I received a free copy of this book from netgalley in return for an honest review.