A review by blurrypetals
Bloodlines by Richelle Mead


November 21, 2017
[re-read for my Greatest Hits Bookshelf Tour 2017]
This book and its sequels are so goddamn much fun it's a little insane, especially coming off the Eye-Roll Express that was re-reading the Vampire Academy series. The way all the different characters work with and talk to each other in this book alone are better than the whole of the Vampire Academy series, not to mention Sydney and Adrian Fucking Ivashkov's positively palpable and world-endingly cute chemistry and eventual courtship.

Those two and their relationship, of course, have always been my favorite part of the Bloodlines series, but Eddie, Jill, and the eventual addition of Angeline are all just the best. Hell, even the antagonists are more likable, interesting, and entertaining than Rose and Dimitri. Keith is so complex and conniving, it's delightful. The foreshadowing for what's going on with Lee is also just...just so good.

These books are why Richelle Mead is one of my favorites. Vampire Academy was just a vehicle to get me to Bloodlines and, even though I'm so bitter and angry about Vampire Academy as a whole, because I got this series and these characters out of it, I can't help but be grateful for it.

This whole series is a happy ending in progress and I adore it to pieces; and this is just the beginning. I absolutely can't wait to watch Adrian and Sydney fall in love all over again.

August 24, 2011

Jeeze. Now that that's out of my system, on to the rest of the review.

So much love. I have so much love for this book (up until that last sentence, of course). Adrian and Sydney's relationship is so cute. When he called her beautiful I absolutely melted. So wonderful. I'm so glad this series is happening just so I can see more of their dynamic together.

Eddie and Jill are obviously going to happen, too. Just you wait.

Guesses I got right: I guessed about four pages before it was confirmed that Adrian and Jill were spirit bound. I guessed Lee would turn out to be behind the murders. I guessed that Adrian and Sydney were going to be love interests for each other, as well as Eddie and Jill.

Guesses I got wrong: I guessed the murders were connected to the tattoos (slitting their throat to drain the blood for the tattoos, amirite?). I guessed Keith would be a part of a love triangle with Sydney and Adrian (I only guessed that after reading the first chapter. It was clearly soon disproved).

BUT SERIOUSLY, BACK TO DIMITRI. I MEAN, WHAT THE HELL? I hate that guy. I wish he and Rose would run off into the sunset already to have their happily ever after already. I don't care about EITHER of them anymore because they keep tearing Adrian's life apart. So run, little dhampirs, off into your specially-crafted sunset already.