A review by bookishly_faith
Resurrecting Sunshine by Lisa A. Koosis


I received this ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. (Thanks!)

Overall, I wasn't completely impressed with this novel. I think there was something missing from it that I needed for me to like [b:Resurrecting Sunshine|30201536|Resurrecting Sunshine|Lisa A. Koosis|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1467298705s/30201536.jpg|49008229] more.

[b:Resurrecting Sunshine|30201536|Resurrecting Sunshine|Lisa A. Koosis|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1467298705s/30201536.jpg|49008229] is about Adam and Marybeth. Marybeth became the famous singer, Sunshine, after her friends died. However, Marybeth drowns and leaves her boyfriend, Adam, grieving. In the present, Adam is told by a scientist that Project Orpheus is making a clone of Sunshine and Adam is asked to help. But as he goes through the memories of Sunshine and meets a girl, he starts to heal and question the ethics of cloning.

The things I liked about this book were how fast paced it was and the character of Genevieve. I flew through chapters pretty quickly because for some reason, the chapters could be like 2 pages long. The plot itself could also be really fast paced at points, making this book a pretty easy read. I liked Genevieve because of all the questions that she raised throughout the book. I kind wish she was the narrator of the story.

I know on the first page, there was one word or phrase that popped out at me when I first read it. I was so excited to be reading a book with such great imagery, but this wonderful wordiness wasn't something that was continued throughout this book and that totally annoyed me. Sure, every once and a while, I'd notice some great imagery, but then I wouldn't get anymore for another 70 pages.

I think the main thing that made me not like this book was a lack of connection to the main character. I really don't know much about Adam besides the fact that he loved Marybeth and he was a foster kid too. I would have liked to know more about him and that might have led me to not only like him but also maybe then I'd know why exactly he falls for the love interest in this book.

I wasn't totally in love with the plot either. Basically this book follows Adam as he relives his memories with Marybeth. Because I wasn't a fan of Adam, it wasn't my favourite thing to read about these memories he was having for pages on end.

Overall, you might like this book if you are into books about grief. This book has a bit of a sci-fi twist with the clones and memory aspect as well, but the focus is mainly grief.