A review by astheplotthickens24
The Call by Peadar Ó Guilín


It's my first time reading something so gruesome and disturbing to the point of awesomeness. The fact that the main character suffers polio was one of the plus factors of this book because how can someone with a disability survive a hunt that is a combination of HUNGER GAMES and freaking GREEN INFERNO but Nessa managed just fine and she in fact did it splendidly. I would probably be dead within the first five minutes of the hunt but Nessa survived due to her perseverance and wit. There are times that I have to take a deep breath and put the book down because there are some scenes that are pretty disturbing but I finished this novel within a day so I guess I'm not that disturbed at all.

Conor, This son of a bitch was a sadistic-delusional-idiot and
Spoileralmost killed everyone due to his fanaticism of being a vain king
I thought maybe he'll do something awesome in the end but meehh!

Every time the word "Fae" comes up I automatically think of Rhysand and Tamlin who despite their heritage are so smoking hot. But, in this book the Fey creatures were sadistic, masochistic and cannibalistic creatures that came out of your worst nightmares and that's cool because it doesn't involve any romance between a human and a fey which was pretty much awesome.

Whenever reading a book I always think of something. Hunger Games made me wanna be fierce just like Katniss. Harry Potter made me want to value loyalty and friendship but The Call made me wanna stay young and never grow up (because you could f*cking be called anytime).

I'll give this book a 4 out of 5 stars mainly because I just hoped that the author became more specific as to how the banishment of fey happened and what was the real reason behind it, how they came to Ireland, What happened to other countries and so on. Excellent read :)