A review by bookishnewfie
Swipe Right for Murder by Derek Milman


Overall I really did enjoy this read. It was very engaging and very much a page-turner! I found my self picking it up every chance I could to find out what would happen next. So why the 3-star rating? Well keeping in mind this is a YA book and I'm a 28-year-old gay man, this book at times is... very YA.. there were so many times in the middle of crazy intense situations where the main character was thinking and acting in outrageous ways that were completely unrealistic (WHO in the midst of murder and chaos would have time to think about relationship drama?!) so for this reason it really knocked off some rating cred for me. was it a fun read? absolutely. does it have re-readability? in my opionion.. not a chance. As a gay man having a completely LGBTQ centred thriller storyline was amazing and to have it be written by a Gay author also makes it better in my book. I would for sure recommend this to someone that loves both YA and thrillers and should be on the list of LGBTQ books to read so with all this in mind I would give it a 3.5