A review by lovelacebooks
Star Bright by Susannah Nix


(First of all, thank you so much NetGalley, publisher, and author, for providing me this ARC in exchange for an honest review)

Synopsis: Kimberleigh Cress is a cold and popular Hollywood actress that never shows weaknesses. Ever. Especially not in front of the press. Spencer Devlin is a tabloid reporter and Kimberleigh hates his guts because of an interview that went bad and viral. But when he comes upon her during a vulnerable moment, sexy, charming, and surprisingly thoughtful, Spencer Devlin isn’t at all who Kimberleigh thought he was. She can’t seem to stay away from him—even though she knows she should and he can't either.

Opinion: I'm not gonna lie. This book caught my eye at first for the spectacular cover that I adore but also because of the synopsis. My expectations were high. I thought I would enjoy and love this book so much but I ended it with mixed opinions. Because I saw the potential, it could really be so great like 4 or even 5 starts to me even the short length of the book, but then there were little tiny things, thoughts, expressions that got me out of the story and it was like "why?".

*Kind of spoiler*
I also was mad at one drama scene because I didn't understand (and possibly I will never) why people don't talk? And listen? And then make their decision? ARGG.

*Spoiler free again*
Final statement: This is just my opinion, so I encourage to read it because maybe you won't see this stuff I'm complaining and you actually enjoy it and discover a new saga you will adore.