A review by labunnywtf
I'm with the Band: Confessions of a Groupie by Pamela Des Barres


This was a seriously neat book to read. As a music junkie, I loved the extreme name dropping Miss Pamela does. I cannot lie, I oozed jealousy at all of the rock stars she took floor/bed/vehicle rolls with.

She comes off as really sweet, and very sincere, and I think that's what makes it so enjoyable to read. When trying to explain to a co-worker who she was and what the book was about, he said, "She sounds like a slut." And I actually took offense! It's the 60's, dammit. YOU are old enough to remember the 60's, and I know YOU weren't walking around with a chastity belt clapped 'round your bell bottoms!

I should've been a flower child. I was completely born in the wrong era.