A review by violinknitter
The Bible Tells Me So: Why Defending Scripture Has Made Us Unable to Read It by Peter Enns


I didn't expect to like this book as much as I did (and I nearly docked a star for Enns' relentless colloquial tone), but I found it an enlightening & delightful read. Specifics I appreciated: Enns' discussion of how both Jesus & Paul read the Jewish scriptures in Jewish ways (well, duh!), *especially* their willingness to reinterpret the (now) OT in light of Jesus Himself. I've very rarely heard any preacher even refer to how the NT writers often take OT passages completely out of context to prove their point. I've also never completely understood why we evangelicals tend to handle the OT texts very differently from the ways the NT writers model for us.

Apologies for a rather scattershot review. I seriously doubt I would agree with Enns on everything (his blog posts sometimes leave me thinking "yeah, no, I don't think so") but the perspective in THE BIBLE TELLS ME SO is helpful to me, especially in the ways it intersects w/what I've been reading from Scot McKnight and NT Wright.