A review by theavidreaderandbibliophile
An Amish Cookie Club Courtship by Sarah Price


An Amish Cookie Club Courtship by Sarah Price is the 3rd installment in The Amish Cookie Club series. Each book can be read as a standalone, but they are entertaining to read as a whole. I was drawn right away into this humorous Amish tale. Edna Esh is a busy woman with her family and home to take care of plus fixing the noon meal for Englischers three days a week during the tourist season as well as baking cookies to sell at Yoder’s and MayFest fast approaching (which means more cookies). I felt bad for Edna when her friend, Wilma Schwartz pressures her into hiring her twin daughters to assist her with the meals. Edna can use the help, but she cannot stand the twins constant sniping at each other. The Amish Cookie Club as the four ladies are called who bake the cookies have done a little matchmaking in the past with the latest success story being Edna’s son, John and Mary’s daughter, Bethany who are expecting their first child. Wilma is hoping her twin daughters will take a liking to Edna’s two sons, Jonas and Jeremiah. I laughed often while reading this story. I felt bad for Edna having to endure the bickering going on between Rachel and Ella Mae. I thought it was funny that the twins are not even aware that they do it. These ladies have spent too much time at home with each other for company. Jonas was a lively character. He likes to tease, goad, and play pranks. It would take the right woman to deal with Jonas. I liked how we got to see different sides of Jonas, Jeremiah, Rachel, and Ella Mae. That what you see in the beginning is not all there is to a person. People have hidden depths. An Amish Cookie Club Courtship is a wonderful escapist novel. It was just what I needed this week. I hope there will be another story in The Amish Cookie Club series. An Amish Cookie Club Courtship is a diverting Amish tale with a colossal number of cookies, Mayfest madness, squabbling siblings, a bonus building, and mother’s playing matchmaker.