A review by readkerryread
My Unexpected Serenity by Harlow James


I was a little worried about reading this book as alcoholism runs in my family, and it was described as a billionaire recovering alcoholic who falls in love with a bartender. However, it was handled so well, and it was so much more.

Wes, spots Shayla at a bar when he’s discussing business. However he didn’t expect to see her again especially when he was leaving town for a few months to work on a new project. When he runs into her at the local coffee shop, and then at the beach, he takes it as a sign. Sending her a cheese basket as an inside joke. Shayla is weary of wealthy men, having watched her mom desperately trying to attach herself to one.

Trying to break each other’s walls down is a challenge but one they can’t seem to walk away from.

Wesley doesn’t feel worthy especially with the things he is trying to make amends for from his past. So many beautiful wonderful moments in this story, and lots of steamy moments too. Also Shayla’s roommate and Wesley’s friend Hayes provide inappropriate hilarious humor breaks. Give this one a read!

“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference”

Thank you to the author for an ARC for review, and your honest conversation. All opinions are my own and given freely.