A review by chasethefictionfanatic
Never Forever by L.R. Johnson


Rating: 5 Stars

I absolutely loved this book. I seriously could not put this down. I really enjoyed the romance in this book, and I'm not a huge romance fan so that's saying something. There were also a ton of quotes throughout the book that I wholeheartedly fell in love with. I would have to say that my favorite character definitely had to be Oliva. She is spunky, high-spirited, and has a spitfire attitude. She is such a great friend, but I definitely would not want to get on her bad side. Olivia constantly had me smiling and laughing and kept me on my toes throughout the book.

Unfortunately, our two main characters, Breanna and Callum both have stubbornness as their fatal flaw. This leads to miscommunication and problems that could have been solved sooner if they would simply talk to each other. This had me very frustrated at times, but I can see how this was (somewhat) necessary for the plot.

Breanna, in my opinion, was an extremely irksome character. I understand she has had a tragic past and has had it rough from the start, and I feel for her I do. And I would be fine with her greaving every once in a while, but she is constantly, and I mean constantly wallowing in self-pity. (If I have to read "this is my burden to bear" one more time I think I'll scream) It frustrated me to no end that instead of fighting for what she deserves and doing her best to play the cards she'd been dealt in life, she instead willingly succumbs to her fate. Stating things like, "Try as I might to run away from my past it only seems to pull me in." or "I was doomed from the start."

But asides from Breanna's stubbornness, I really did enjoy this novel. I thought it had great characters and a plot that I thoroughly enjoyed. It made me laugh it made me cry I felt or these characters (even though they annoyed me at times) and there were several instances where I was surprised by the reveals and outcomes to situations. Pick up this book if you are looking for a story with heart, humor, and just the right amount of sex appeal. 10/10 would recommend.

Happy Reading my Friends.