A review by __livesbtweenpgs__
Blaine's Beast by Joel Abernathy, G.A. Rael


"It was a lover's heartbeat, sure and steady, a pair of arms wrapped around you through the night with the promise that you'd be safe when morning came, no matter how bad the darkness got.

Well that was an interesting take on one of my all time favorites.
I was surprised at the way this one played out, I knew the gist of it because obviously Beauty & the beast retelling.
The added factors of Magic.
The pack aspect of wolves.
The hiding in plain sight.
But most importantly the added characters that just made this book more.

Surprised doesn't even cut it when not only do we get 1 bad guy or ex, then we get another who is a whole lot more than we bargained for as well as Blaine. It was just the cherry on top of an already good story.

It isn't often I come across a book that had me going "hmm" a quarter of the way through because honestly I was stumped until I wasn't.
Blaine & Rohan gave me a different look at beauty and the beast and by the end of the book I enjoyed the adventure I took to the hollows and then to Argentina.