A review by carolynaugustyn
My First Five Husbands... And the Ones Who Got Away by Rue McClanahan


I'm a big Golden Girls fan. I only recently watched the show for the first time about 2 years ago but I've been hooked ever since and I love those girls (although Sophia is my favorite...probably because we're so similar). So I was very curious to see how Rue McClanahan was the same or different from her character on the show. Surprisingly (or not, depends on how you see Rue McClanahan), she was very similar to Blanche! This was a super fun memoir and read almost like a soap opera at times. I appreciated the fact that Rue didn't skimp on any of the details and really seemed to include everything, even the parts that didn't show her in her finest light. I always like memoirs where the person doesn't claim to be a saint or have everything figured out, it seems more genuine. So this was a wild ride through her life and some good fluff reading. The first few chapters were very scattered though and jumped from idea to idea so it didn't make the most sense and it took me a while to really get into the book. I'm glad I read on and got lots of behind the scenes details, Rue was clearly a very special lady.