A review by bridgette
Golden Harvest: Events at the Periphery of the Holocaust by Jan Tomasz Gross


It all started with a seemingly innocuous picture: a group of peasants gathered around after what was probably a long day of harvesting. But looking closer, the items in front of these group of people aren't food from the fields--they're the ashes and bones of Jews murdered in the Nazi death camp at Treblinka. The people behind the carefully laid out bones, are called "gleaners" or "diggers" and they spend their days digging up the mass graves at the site where 800,000 Jews were murdered during the Shoah.

This slim novel is essential reading for those studying the Shoah. It is concerned with events on the periphery of the Shoah, those events less known yet just as tragic and heinous as the crimes with which most people are familiar. It starts with a photograph, but the authors focus on the plunder of Jewish wealth and material possessions and how the individual human beings were reduced to commodities, to "living corpses" by much of the Polish population during the war to shine a light on a little known aspect of the Shoah.