A review by mcfade28
Dark Calling by Darren Shan


I've decided to read a few horror books in honour of Halloween. First on my list was the 9th book in the Demonata seris by Darren Shan. I read the majority of the series when I was still in school and mostly liked them.

This novel is from Kernal's perspective. We last heard from him in Demon Theif, which is my favourite novel in the series by far, so I had high hopes going in. This is the penultimate book in the series and suffers a little for that. It seems to exist solely to set up the finalie.

The novel has two main flaws. Firstly, nothing seems to happen for large stretches of the book, and indeed it starts by recapping events we've already seen in other novels.
Spoiler Secondly, the main development- introducing aliens and attempting to tie in the origin of the universe into this series felt forced and stupid. Just let the series be about demons, there's no need to try to explain away the big bang theory as well!