A review by saintlyhowl
Lying With Lions by Annabel Fielding


Thank you to Netgalley and the author for an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review!
Before starting this book, I was in a MASSIVE reading slump and I’m so glad I picked up this book because it was a very quick and enjoyable read and I feel it’s gotten me out of my slump!!! Historical fiction is typically a genre I don’t tend to go towards but the synopsis plus the fact that this had a sapphic couple made me very excited to read this!!! The writing style was automatically something I loved from the very start, it has that porse-type style to it that I always love. Agnes also interested me because of how smart she seemed and I loved how ambitious she is throughout the story, especially because it was something I could relate to in the character. But, I found beyond that I didn’t really care that much for her character. Initially I went into the book for the romance (as I always do lol), but I was pleasantly surprised with the fact that the plot was very, very well developed and I found I enjoyed it more than the romance aspect. I didn’t connect much at all to Lady Helen and her relationship with Agnes, which was disappointing. I feel this is definitely a book to read more so for the plot and aesthetic rather than the characters and romance. I’m very glad I checked out this book and will definitely look forward to reading more of the authors works!!!!