A review by in_love_with_bookish
The Bone Shard Daughter by Andrea Stewart



2.5 Stars

I wish I can say I’m disappointed with this book but that would be a lie since I didn’t have any expectations high or low for this one. The cover was stunning and the synopsis was intriguing and I wanted some fantasy so I went for it.

We all tell ourselves stories of who we are, and in my mind, I was always the hero. But I wasn’t. Not in all the ways I should have been

For me, This book is simply average. It wasn’t the best thing ever but it wasn’t the worst thing ever as well. I just read it, was surprised at times, felt bored and confused mostly, and didn’t care for the characters and their individual arcs.

I think the book lacks in world-building. We don’t get a lot of history or lore. In my opinion, the magic system wasn’t explained in detail and I felt lost at times. I couldn’t immerse myself in a world I didn’t know enough about. The story feels dry and lacking. I had so many questions while reading, how the buildings look like or the clothes or the environment or even the food.

One foolish choice is like a rat you let go. It will spawn more consequences than you first thought possible

The story is told from different POVs and I felt disconnected from all characters but one. Also, the synopsis of the book is completely misleading and I really hate it when that happens. If I pick a book because it is a story of certain things, I really love those certain things to be there.

The first 70% was really rough for me and I struggled through it. The last 30% felt like an improvement and I felt myself become sucked in the story and started to care about what will or will not happen. The story had a mystery element to that and I had to admit it was done well. Also, the way certain characters came together was perfect and pushed the plot forward without being too convenient.

But I still had a problem with the tone of the story. The Bone Shard Daughter is epic fantasy but it doesn’t feel that way at all. I admit there is a darkness to some of its elements but the characters who sometimes read really young have mature problems and issues But compared to some of the epic fantasy I read, This book doesn’t even come close to capture the tone and the feel of that.

I would drink a thousand lies just to see your face again

Still, This book is worth the read if you’re intrigued by unique magic systems and a multiple POVs story with individual intimate stories that feed into a larger narrative. It just didn’t work out for me and honestly, that’s okay.

A person who can’t see a future doesn’t have a future

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