A review by kayleigh_kbooks
Shadow by Amanda Sun


Shadow Review on K-Books

I've had Ink sat on my shelf for what feels like forever. I heard about it just before it released and saw quite a lot of good reviews so instantly bought it when it was released. I have friends that state that they loved Ink and so I finally wanted to pick it up. Just before starting it I discovered that there was this short prequel novella. Because I love to know the back story of novels I decided to go ahead and read this prequel before starting the first book.

Katie Greene's world has been turned upside down. Her Mom is dead and she is being uprooted from USA to Japan. She doesn't speak Japanese and all she wants is to go back to America. Tomohiro won't let anybody close to him. Having the dreams and premonitions of a shadow that he knows is true and is haunting him, anybody who gets close to him is in danger... but the danger is about to get worse...

I really enjoyed this short prequel. I admit I didn't love it but that it mainly because by the time I was right into the story it was finished. It did it's job and it did what prequels are meant to do. It grabbed my attention from that start and drew me in with it's intrigue and had me dying to find out more about this world and this story. I can't wait to start Ink and find out where this storyline goes.

I can't really comment on whether I like the characters or not yet as this was so short I didn't really get a real feel for them. Shadow introduced me to the world and the story and had me interested and dying to know what happens. That makes it a very successful prequel to me. One thing I can say I did love was the introduction to Japan. I am dying to not only see where this storyline goes but also finding out about a new country and culture. Books are a great escape from our boring normal, day-to-day life and I, as English, find books set in America interesting as I have never been there and experiences that but to find books set in other countries makes me so excited as it's like I get to travel... without having to pay the expenses of a holiday.

Shadow completely grabbed my attention and I am looking forward to reading on and learning more about the new Japanese culture and the storyline. I have high hopes for Ink after this as Shadow was a very strong prequel. One of the best I have read.