A review by jennifersiyuanzhou
The Dark Prophecy by Rick Riordan


okay. mixed feelings.

leo: man i love you but i think i need leo from leo's POV in addition to others. like because i've followed him thru HoO, i understand why he's the class clown esque joking kind, but...without his POV to balance out the silliness it got kinda annoying 

calypso didn't really leave much of an impact on me

waystation: i kinda felt like there were too too many things going for me to actually get attached to any new characters??? we have the lesbian couple, the orange headless dude, hunters (thalia cameo yay!!), and later on the plethora of people they freed. 

meg's character is also getting a little old; lack of her POV not helping cuz honestly she's def going through so much but, we don't really see much of it. especially cuz so much of her character is about toughing it out.

i did like how we're using flashbacks and personas from apollo's past to make him grow and revisit his actions from a mortal POV. can def see character dev from there.

overall, i still enjoyed it, but it felt a bit like a slog. too many things at once.