A review by jess_mango
Anna K by Jenny Lee

Let's call it a 3.5 for now.

This is a modern YA retelling of[b:Anna Karenina|15823480|Anna Karenina|Leo Tolstoy|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1601352433l/15823480._SX50_.jpg|2507928]. But instead of being set in Russian society, it is set in current day NYC featuring a cast of private school teens. The titular character Anna K is Korean-American, she attends a private school in Greenwich and described as a great beauty. She's in a lackluster relationship with Alexander, a boy who people call the Greenwich OG. Then, she catches the eye of a girl-chasing young man that all the girls lust after.

This features teen but is on the more risque end of YA with sex, drugs, and the whole shebang. It is thoroughly modern...featuring Coachella, lots of name dropping of current pop culture icons and modern trends.