A review by lostinagoodbook
The Will and the Wilds by Charlie N. Holmberg


This is my fifth review of a book by Ms. Holmberg, but I think I’ve actually read everything she’s published! She never lets me down, I know just what I’m going to get from her. She always writes a great plucky young heroine, a mysteriously romantic leading man and a truly imaginative magical setting. Her books are easy to read and you’re sucked into her stories from page one.

Enna is an excellent character, a young woman who is clever, loyal and bright She is an intellectual in a society that frowns on women being educated but is unwilling to give up her dream of researching and mapping out the ways of mystings. She desires to more fully understand the world around her. She’s my favorite thing about this book, but then no surprise, I’m such a sucker for main character who is a nerdy girl. But things aren’t so easy because the world of mystings is complicated and dangerous.

"Enna knows to fear the mystings that roam the wildwood near her home. When one tries to kill her to obtain an enchanted stone, Enna takes a huge risk: fighting back with a mysting of her own.

Maekallus’s help isn’t free. His price? A kiss. One with the power to steal her soul. – Goodreads"

If you’re looking for fantasy, here it is.

If you’re looking for romance, here it is.

If you’re looking for a great book to read over the weekend with a cup of tea/coffee/cocoa, here it is.

You can’t go wrong with this one. I fully recommend it.

Song for this book: Millstone by Eisley

Disclaimer: I received this book free from Netgalley

Merged review:

This is my fifth review of a book by Ms. Holmberg, but I think I’ve actually read everything she’s published! She never lets me down, I know just what I’m going to get from her. She always writes a great plucky young heroine, a mysteriously romantic leading man and a truly imaginative magical setting. Her books are easy to read and you’re sucked into her stories from page one.

Enna is an excellent character, a young woman who is clever, loyal and bright She is an intellectual in a society that frowns on women being educated but is unwilling to give up her dream of researching and mapping out the ways of mystings. She desires to more fully understand the world around her. She’s my favorite thing about this book, but then no surprise, I’m such a sucker for main character who is a nerdy girl. But things aren’t so easy because the world of mystings is complicated and dangerous.

"Enna knows to fear the mystings that roam the wildwood near her home. When one tries to kill her to obtain an enchanted stone, Enna takes a huge risk: fighting back with a mysting of her own.

Maekallus’s help isn’t free. His price? A kiss. One with the power to steal her soul. – Goodreads"

If you’re looking for fantasy, here it is.

If you’re looking for romance, here it is.

If you’re looking for a great book to read over the weekend with a cup of tea/coffee/cocoa, here it is.

You can’t go wrong with this one. I fully recommend it.

Song for this book: Millstone by Eisley

Disclaimer: I received this book free from Netgalley